Friday, August 7, 2015

Striving to Show Unconditional LOVE to ALL.... AN ACTION not a WORD

      It has been some time since I have written. I have been pondering  on whether or not to write about what has been on my heart these last few months or not. SO, I have decided to try to put my feelings into words. I pray this encourages rather than offends.
     Since walking these last 11 months or so, we having been doing a walk in Love. This has been eye opening and enlightening to the real world we live in, not the fake one seen or depicted on TV or Face book. We have shared with and broke bread with every religion and every walk of life. It has opened my eyes to what Christ might have experienced, in the way that He walked amongst and ate with the poor and weak and alternative lifestyles. I do not think that Christ first made or passed judgement before ever speaking to someone or showing Love to someone. I read the opposite in His word. We are trying to show True Love to ALL, not see someone and form our opinion or judge them without talking to them, regardless of life choice or religion or the way they look. I do not want to be seen as a better person than anyone else at first glance. I want to be equal with the lost, hurting, poor, homeless, etc... I want to love like Christ did for me and for you.
     We have had people who do not even know Christ and are living a completely different life choice in this world come up to us with tears in their eyes and say," Thank  you for talking to us and not being scared of us and showing us Love." This was life changing for us, for me.... this is why we are walking.We have also had multiple religions encouraged by our trek and our love we have shown to them, now following us on our page. We are called to show Love one to another ...not hate, not fear, not passing judgement before talking to one another but how quickly do we do this in the world today? How are we to Love our neighbor, one another, our enemies if we are always quick to pass judgement before a smile or kind word? I feel we have paid way to much attention to what the TV tells us about people in the world than going out and meeting them for ourselves. We have become a society of sheep that seem to be follow the now trend  of HATE , other than, seeing for ourselves and loving one another instead of hating one another.
    I feel that we are required to be out showing true Love above and beyond anything else. How else will we ever be a witness to others, if we first form an opinion of them before speaking to them? I remember in God's word where He drew a line in the sand and said he who is without sin in their life throw the first stone at Mary Magdeline. I think we have become a people of stone throwers instead of neck huggers and lovers. I feel that we must truly have love for one another before there can ever be peace. We have had our lives changed by staying under the same roof as the homeless, drifters, poor, rich, gay, Christians, Muslims, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, hippy, and you name it and we have seen it all and ate with them and loved them and shared ourselves with them and hope we have touched their lives in some way. I truly believe this is what Christ died for, someone like ME, a sinner like everyone we have met and like YOU!
    I pray this has inspired you not offended you in some way. I believe that LOVE is and action we do and NOT just a little word used in the wrong way. SO, I encourage you to get out and do something and show someone TRUE LOVE today and maybe change a life today. You may even find out that your life is the one that will be changed.



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