Monday, August 11, 2014

Recycled Christian....

Hello Friends, Family and Fellow Hikers,

           I have been pondering this post for several years off and on. I think I am ready now to try to put it on paper. Please know this is my opinion and my thoughts as one of Backpacking Believers, not from us but from myself.

           We live in a society of recycling, repurposing, greener lives, renewal usage and I see this as a Christians daily walk with God, as well. I try to live a greener life for Creation and for a healthier lifestyle. When we were lost people, before becoming a Christian we were unuseable, not molded, scraps here and there. When we became Christians we began to be molded into something new, something useable, repuposed. Let me explain, if I can.
  take something and to melt it into a new useable item, transform garbage into new life that is better. Before we have Christ living in our life we are not able to be a witness for Christ. We are filthy, useable stuff. When we become recycled through Christ, He molds us into a new being. We talk different , we change, we become new, we are given a new life and a new purpose. We can use our old life as a stepping stone for our new life though. We are told not to look back at our old self but we are freed from that, but we can use our past mistakes as reminders to help others in their walk. Repurposed....Use our past before Christ as a reminder to not do those things anymore. We can repurpose our life to use those things for new. It is still what you once were but now you are a new person in Christ, molded out of the miry clay into a new life. Recycled and Repurposed!!
           I look at my past life and it saddeneds me, but I know what God has taken me from and changed me to be used of Him. I can use my past mistakes to help others hurting and can show them the new life in Christ. I can use my old life, junk as a stepping block now not a stumbling block. I have been Recycled by Christ, Repurposed, now I am useable for His Glory. We can look at things that were once scap metal junk, or trash bags, or plastic or glass and now they have been recycled into beautiful things, new things they have a new life and new purpose. We should become recycled, repurposed Christians not dwelling on our past but using it as a way to become a witness for God and to help others to see what a blessing it is to be used of God. You may have come from a terrible past but I know what God can do in your life if you allow him to Recycle and Repurpose your life. HE can change you into a new beautiful piece of Life, useable in unimaginable ways. Please consider being Recycled if you haven't been already.
I Love being a Recycled Christian !

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

God Bless You and I Love You ALL


1 comment:

  1. AMEN! I love this Jennifer. Thank you for sharing with me my sister in Christ.
    Hugs and Love to all you Backpacking Believers.
