Thursday, May 15, 2014

Calling on God in the Mountains and the Valleys........

Hello Friends, Family and Fellow Hikers,

       I have been thinking alot lately on what my new post would be on and this is what I have been dealing with lately. We have been hiking in West Virginia for a while now and the mountains have been a daily ordeal in my life. Every day has been a physical challenge for me and yet it has been spiritually encouraging. I know this may sound contradictory but it is the truth. I have had to physically push myself to the limits to get up and over these mountains each day and then decend down into the valleys and back up and over again and again. I have found though with each daily physical challenge that has been before me, I have prayed for strength and will power and comfort of God. I have sang praises in the storms, I have just quoted scripture that has had to do with the mountain or valley before me and HE has met my need. Every day has been a new day, my beautiful surroundings, my physical struggles, my spiritual walk, my song on my heart and much more. This walk of love has not only blessed others we have met but has blessed myself more. What I mean is my walk with God has been truly blessed, I have not had a day that I have not had to totally rely on God for help to complete the task before me, the mountains and the valleys. I have found that the mountains are hard to push up and the valleys are just as hard sometimes harder on the knee pain. Yet, God has given me the strength that I have needed just when needed. He has never let me down. So, if you are on a mountain in WV or somewhere else praise God for all of your pains and joys. If you are in the valleys of dispair, praise God for He cares and will give you the strenghth physical as well as spiritual that you need. I have grown alot spiritual and have alot more growing to do but in all of the physical pain it has been more than worth it spiritually. I pray that whom ever reads this will think about talking to God and truly seeking Him in every situation in your life for I know HE hears and cares for you. So, praise HIM on the mountains and in the valleys always and He will carry you up and over each one. I hope you will continue to pray for strength and protection over myself and my family as we Walk in Love across our Nation.

Lord Bless You All and I love You,

Backpacking Believers