Saturday, February 8, 2014

Inspirational Poem and Thoughts........

 “If you'll go with me to the mountains,
And sleep on the leaf carpeted floors,
And enjoy the bigness of nature,
And the beauty of all the out-of-doors.
You will find your troubles all fading,
And find the Creator was not man.
That made lovely mountains and forests,
Which only a supreme power can.
When we trust in the power above,
And with the realm of nature hold fast,
We will have a jewel of great price,
To brighten our lives till the last.
For the love of nature is healing,
If we will only give it a try.
And our reward will be forthcoming,
If we deeper than what meets the eye.”
Written By

Trail Name; Grandma 1955 AT thru-hiker

When I read this poem written from this Thru-Hiker, I loved it. This poem speaks volumes of how I feel when I am in Gods creation. The wilderness does speak and express a greater power that created us and all that is in the world,the seen and the unseen. The love of  creation is healing to me and brings a peace that only God can provide. If you are hurting or stressed with life and all of its struggles try taking a walk in Gods quietness, His creation and breathe in the fresh air and smell the trees and feel the breeze and relax. He is the divine physician and he is there for us. I hope you enjoyed this poem and it touched or sparked something within you.
May God be with you and keep you.

Happy Hiking,

Gentle Fir

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