Hello Friends, Family and Fellow Hikers,
It has been some time since I have written anything . I have been walking across America with my family.
My daughter was bitten from a tick in Ohio and contracted Lyme's Disease from the bite and that is what inspired this blog post. I have a lot of free time to think on God's word and HIS plans for ones life and this is what I have on my heart lately.
As I have been walking behind Chris and Katlyn since her bite she has been taken a antibiotic that has cause sun sensitivity. She has had to cover herself from the sun. So, she has had to hide from the sun . I have watched as she has walked step by step in the shadow of her Father. This has been the only relief from the burning rays of the sun she could get. I began to think on this a lot. If we walk in the steps and shadows of our Heavenly Father; we too, will not get burnt. She walked daily in her Fathers shadow for shade and protection. God; Our Heavenly FATHER, should be our protection daily in life's attacks. It was like the Mother hen and her chicks, she protects them under her wings from danger. We should be like Katlyn and how she used her Earthly Father's shadow for comfort and protection from danger and cover ourselves in the comfort and protection with our Heavenly Father. HIS words tell us HE will direct our paths and steps if we let HIM, HE will be our shield and comfort and much much more. I watched daily until we were blessed with an umbrella how close and comforting it was to see her getting relief just from her Daddies shadow. What a blessing God has given us; if we just look at the simple things in life, like a shadow for shade and relief from the elements and know HE is God.We have found a lot of comfort from a shade tree on our walk or from the shade from the corn fields also, my what little things can be taken for granted until you need them. Let's not take HIS Shadow for granted. HE cares for you and for me, so lets look for HIS shadows of blessings throughout the day and find a moment of rest in them. I have seen the protection that comes from a little shadow instead of burning fire from the heat.
God Bless You and I Love You ALL